Mrs. Raines

REACH MRS. RAINES for info about her brain games, word searches and crossword, comedy audiobook Just Some Bullshit...and news about your future favorite audiobooks and pencil puzzles.

    Can Mrs. Raines help you yuck it up? Probably! Reach this funny femme fun-meister with the contact form above or at mrsraines4u @

    Ready to write satire and jokes…adorable cringe-y poems or cutesy limericks for an ebook…a TV show or movie…a book or comedy column…a toast/roast/boast or eulogy…or even a self-help audiobook…?!

    Maybe you have a nearly-complete memoir that needs even more of that spicy, mind-bending kick of the satiating comedy kibbles you crave.

    Perhaps you’re in the market for a customized Qwirl or Churn? Get a crossed-words or shaped-words game personalized for your special event or a loved one. Or just for fun.

    Mrs. Raines would be tickled to work with you! Either as a contributing guest, ghostwriter, co-author or puzzle master. 

    Mix her beloved style of entertainment with your own unique and sassy outlook for side-splitting, 2-pack-abs-crushing humor in whatever form would give you a Big O.

    And of course, you can download her comedy audiobook here:

    Comedy Audiobook

    Watch Mrs. Raines perform snippets from her lol funny audiobook, “Just Some Bullshit, Year Ten of My Midlife Crisis.”

    Mrs. Raines’ Comedy Stylings on YouTube

    Looking for a guest with a comedy and/or audiobook background? Click here for info.

    Thanks for visiting. 

    Here’s a free game.